
Released 9 June 1997 SoLyd Records

BG: guitar and vocals
Sergey Shchurakov: accordeon, piano
Oleg sakmarov: flutes, clarinet, oboe, keyboards, sax, tin whistle
Alexey Zubarev: guitars, piano, cello
Andrey Surotdinov: violin, alto, harpsichord
Vladimir Kudryavtsev: bass, double bass
Yuri Nikolayev: drums&percussion
Oleg Gontcharov: glockenspiel, varous sounds

All songs by BG, except "Angel of Rain" and "Overture"(lyrics by George/BG). "Le Finale Grand" is written by O.Sakmarov 
Aranged by A.Zubarev and O.Sakmarov
Recorded by A.Dokshin, A.Martisov and O.Gontcharov at The Church of Melodia and at Dobrolet Studios, St.Petersburg