Recorded : May — August 1988, February 1989
Released : CBS/Columbia June 12 (UK), June 13, 1989 (USA)
- Radio Silence
- The Postcard
- The Wind
- The Time
- Winter
- That Voice Again
- Молодые Львы
- Fields of My Love
- Death of King Arthur
- Real Slow Today
- Mother
- Китай
- 1,2,3 — The Hit Factory, NY
- 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 — Church Studios, London
- 3, 11 — Chapel Studios, LA
- 4, 5 — Orca Studios, LA
- 7 — Reb Bus Studios, London
- 9, 12 — Le Studio, Morin Heights
Produced by David A. Stewart
Executive producers: Kenny Shaffer and Marina Albee for Belka International Inc. Produced in agreement with Международная Книг, Москва
Mastering: Bob Ludwig, Masterdisk, NYC
Mixed by David A Stewart (1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9), Alan Moulder (2,3,6,7,10), Manu Guiot (4,5,8,9,11,12), Boris Grebenshikov (6)
Recording Engineers: Manu Guiot (6,8,9,10,11,12); Alan Moulder (7): Olle Romo (4); Tim Leitner (1,2,3)
Assistants: Bob Smith, Logan Waters, Lee Manning
Front cover from an original oil painting by Eric Scott. Photograph: David Gahr
Boris Grebenshikov - Vocals, Guitars
David A. Stewart - Guitars
Olle Romo - Drums, Synclavier (All Other Sounds)
Annie Lennox - Vocals (3,10,11)
Sasha Titov - Bass (3,4,8-11)
Michael Kamen - Oboe (3)
Siobhan Stewart - Back-up Vocals (4,8)
Patrick Seymour - Keyboards (4,6,8,11)
Billie McKenzie - Haunting Vocals (6)
Darryl Way - Violin (6,8)
Chucho Merchan - Bass (7)
Harry Dean Stanton - Vocals (8)
John Stewart, Kenny Smith - Back-up (8)
Ray Cooper - Percussion (8,10,11)
Derek - Megaphone (8)
Piotr Troshenkov - Drums (9)
Seva Gakkel - Vocals (9)
Andrei Romanov - Flute, Vocals (9)
Chrissie Hynde, Janice Jameson, Charlie Wilson - Vocals (10,11)
Dave Plews - Trumpets (10,11)
I am sincerely grateful to:
Aquarium - for standing by me and letting me go.
Lyudka - for the love, pain and beauty we've wrought together.
Kenny & Marina - who gave all they were to make this happen and succeeded.
Ina - who did everything to make the music flow.
Dave - Hail! O my Liege and friend.
Gabrielle & Robert - for forming a place of peace that gave me courage to write.
Sir Walter Yetnikoff - for putting his trust in this Russian whiskey-drinker.
Everybody at DnA, Anxious & the Church - for accepting me as part of themselves.
Joanna Stingray the first bridge.
People at Mezhkniga - who have done the unimaginable and made the album a reality.
People at VAAP - for their open minds.
Victor Khrolenko - for being the source of energy and achieving the impossible.
Don Williams - for being the perfect host.
Michael Segal - the perfect dolphin.
Richard Feldman - for all his help.
The Film Police - Michael, Steve and... - for patience with me and being great people.
The Big Jo - for believing and great single-malt.
The Raven - for inspiration and faith.
Lou & Sylvia - honesty and encouragement.
My Mother - for infinite love and my life.
Olle, Patrick, Chucho, Darryl & Manu - for the beauty of working with them.
Billy - for magical singing.
Professor Ray - Me & Sasha are his humble pupils.
Annie, Chrissie, Siobhan & Marcy - for extending their grace on my songs.
Sasha - the tower of strength.
My Teacher & Love - because she is.
My son Gleb - I've done it all because I love him.
Спасибо, милые мои!
Special thanks to Tony Quinn, James Wylie, Richard Feldman, Marcy & Siobhan, Annie & Chrissie. Also thanks again to Pat & Olle for their support in the USSR,USA & UK and of course to the inimitable Ray Cooper.
My personal thanks to Aquarium for allowing me to share the experience and to Kenny & Marina for their endurance. Last but not least many thanks to Michael Apted and his crew for their staying power.
David A. Stewart
All songs written by Boris Grebenshikov except "Death of King Arthur" music by Boris Grebenshikov and Andrei Romanov/lyrics by Sir Thomas Malory and "China" written by A.Vertinsky and N.Gumilyov